Baguio Schools, Universities
& Other Educational Institutions
Planning to study, or sending your child to study, in a Baguio school?
I used to beg my mom to allow me to study in Baguio, even just for the summer months to escape the Manila heat (and to be able to ride horses daily, of course).
After all, I was studying at the University of the Philippines in Diliman and could easily cross-enroll in UP Baguio for summer classes then.
To cut a long story short, my mom never allowed me to study here.

1. Board & Lodging.
Even if my favorite cousins were living here, of course she would still have to offer to pay for a bed and meals, or have me stay in a dormitory.
2. Transportation & Other Allowances.
Studying in a place other than your home city or town would entail extra expenses on your part, of course.
3. Parental Guidance & Supervision.
The well-being of a child is a parent's foremost concern. Of course there was no way my mom would allow a 16-year old to spend one night away from her watchful eyes. And looking back now, I so agree with her! While schooling is important, one cannot discount the importance of the guidance and wisdom a parent can impart for things other than academics.
A Mother's Real Concerns About
Allowing Her Child to Study in Baguio:
4. Physical Safety.
This topic actually should have been first in the list, but I have left it for last because, while a parent is perennially worried about the child's safety, no teenager really feels he or she is in danger at any time. In the Philippines, children go off to college as early as 15 years old. In a town full of strangers, there is no safety in anonymity.
In a city filled, in 2007, with more than 100,000 students, a lot of whom are here without their parents, there are the real dangers of gang wars, student prostitution, early pregnancies, vandalism and alcohol-related violence. The absense of parental guidance also leads to the kids making all the wrong decisions about money and friends. Reading the news and their archives will attest to all that I say.
I share my story with you simply because there are very valid concerns other than tuition fees and the high costs of education, and the limited choice of college courses compared to Manila schools, and the employability of graduates from Baguio schools in competitive and creative jobs, that one takes into consideration when choosing to study in Baguio.
So, should you send your children to study in Baguio City? All in all I would say, only if you move here, too, to be able to watch them grow, shower them with wisdom and guidance, and to make sure that the schools provide your children with all they need to become successful.
Baguio City used to be the educational center mostly for the residents of the Cordillera Region in the Philippines. In recent years however the business of education has become a lucrative enterprise for private school owners and Baguio City has been flooded with students from the Philippine provinces, a lot of whom are attracted to some big Baguio universities because of their 'free admissions policy' (meaning, no entrance exams required -- just submit high school or equivalency documents and pay the tuition).
And having gotten all that out of the way, we can now proceed to a comparison of the different schools in Baguio (the list opens in another page).
These are schools set up for and by Koreans and other foreign nationals to further their proficiency in the English language to enable them to enter their own universities, migrate to another country upon retirement and/or be able to get better jobs.
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